Houston George Bush Intc Airport
Houston George Bush Intc Airport
Car rental
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The minimum age to rent a car in Houston is 21, and most car rental companies require young drivers to be 21 years of age with at least one year of driving experience. So, if you are under 21, whether you can rent a car will depend on the rules and policies of the rental company. For example, Thrifty, Hertz, and Dollar provide car rental in Houston for 20-year-old and older drivers. Zipcar allows car rental from 18 years of age.
There are other companies that also, under certain conditions, give cars for rent to customers who have reached the age of eighteen. Please note that if you are under the age of 25 you may have to pay a young driver fee. With the help of our search engine, you can find the best car rental offers for those under 21 years old!
Chevrolet Spark
from $26.7 per day
Ford Focus
from $28 per day
Jeep Cherokee
from $29.5 per day
Ford Windstar
from $29.7 per day
Toyota Corolla
from $31.4 per day
Chevrolet Impala
from $39.4 per day
Chevrolet Spark
from $44.8 per day
Chrysler 300
from $45.2 per day
It depends on the car rental company's rules and policies whether you can rent a car at IAH if you are under 21 years old. In Houston, car rental for under 21 involves paying an additional fee or a restriction on the types of rental cars that are available.
Hertz, Dollar, Thrifty, and Zipcar allow under 21 car rentals at Houston Airport. You can find counters for the following companies at the Houston Airport Car Rental Center, which can be reached by the free IAH shuttle.
This car rental in Houston for under 21 allows young people to rent cars of all classes. Even prestigious and expensive models.
Zipcar provides a car rental for over 18, in Houston, Texas. In addition, various companies may allow you to rent a car if you are a US military or government employee 18 years of age or older. In this case, you need to present official documents and prove that you are traveling for work purposes.
The young driver fee (also known as the Under 25 or Underage fee) is a daily fee that compensates car rental companies for the risk of accidents when renters under 25 drive their cars. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, drivers under the age of 25 are more likely to get in car accidents than those who are older.
You can find out the amount of a young driver fee, which different companies charge, below:
Remember that it's not just the Young Driver Fee that affects the rental price. The basic car rental price, discounts, additional options, and other factors also determine the final rental price. To find out the exact cost of renting a car, you should start the booking process!
Car rentals for under 21 in Houston can be surprisingly difficult to find and expensive due to additional fees applicable to young drivers. If you fall within this age range, you may have to pay hundreds of dollars more than the regular rental amount. It is possible to avoid paying (or to at least reduce the cost of) the Young Driver fee. We know several effective ways to do this - check them out in the list below:
If you have reached the minimum car rental age and have all the documents on hand, then you will not face any problems when concluding a rental agreement at Houston Airport. In Houston, to rent a car under 21 is possible with the following list of documents: